Exposé 195-8

Spacious family house with double garage, sauna and party room in best location of Paderborn

  • Property nr:
  • Property type:
    single-family house
  • Marketing type:
  • Address:
    33100 Paderborn (Paderborn)
  • Region:
    Germany / NRW

Details about the property


  • purchase price: 285,000.00 EUR
  • agent fee / commission: 3,57% (incl. 19% VAT) of sales price


  • residential area: approx. 154 m²
  • number of rooms: 6
  • number of bathrooms: 2
  • number of living rooms: 1
  • number of bedrooms: 4
  • number of living / bed rooms: 1
  • number of separate toilets: 2
  • number of balconies: 1
  • number of terraces: 1
  • plot area: approx. 485 m²
  • number of parking spaces: 2


  • type of heating: central heating system
  • type of beaconing: gas
  • building style: solid building
  • kitchen: fitted kitchen
  • bathroom: with bathtub, with shower
  • further rooms: hobby room
  • basement: yes
  • with an underground level: yes
  • garden / -use: yes
  • balcony / terrace: yes
  • glazing: double-glazed
  • fireplace (type): stove
  • window: wood
  • interior shutters: yes
  • interior shutters (type): synthetic material
  • roof shape: monopitch roof
  • sauna: yes


  • year of construction: 1976
  • type of condition: well tended


  • available from: from now on

energy certificate

  • energy certificate available: yes
  • energy efficiency category: G
  • created at: Feb 29, 2016
  • expires on: Feb 27, 2026
  • type of certificate: by consumption
  • total consumption value: approx. 202 kWh/(m²a)
  • consumption including hot water: yes